Throughout the globe, apart from sub-Saharan Africa and East Timor, fertility rates are dropping, longevity is increasing, and the proportion of older adults in the population is steadily on the rise. This population transformation has been evident for over a decade, but its global effects have hardly been recognized other than in glib dismissals like “China’s growing old faster than it’s getting rich.” And myths about the transformation persist.
Given that demographic change has gone global, analysis of economic and health implications need to be taken to the next level. More than a dozen scientists came together at the Age Boom Academy “Global Aging: Danger Ahead?” taking place from June 11-13 and disrupted persisting myths about global demographic change.
Ursula Staudinger co-hosted the 2015 Age Boom Academy with Bruce Shapiro of the Columbia School of Journalism and Jack Rosenthal, President Emeritus of the New York Times Company Foundation.

The Academy is designed for global, national and local journalists, editors and producers in all media, across a wide range of beats ranging from politics to health care. It is a forum where complex health, social, and economic issues are broken down by leading experts. Nearly 200 journalists have participated in one or more of the annual Age Boom Academies since its inception 15 years ago.